Saturday, October 4

Salma Hayek leads a new UNICEF Program

Mexican/Lebanese actress Salma Hayek is leading a new UNICEF campaign, which aims at aiding young African mums fight tetanus. Hayek, who is a charity worker and new mum, had on a recent fact-finding mission to West Africa come across teenagers who were making the effort to stay healthy.

The actress was so impressed by their efforts that she felt compelled to tell Americans what she had witnessed. Hayek revealed, at the press conference for the Pampers' tetanus vaccine programme that she was stunned by the efforts being made to eradicate the disease in Sierra Leone, where she also met with tetanus victims.

The Pampers powers at parent company Procter and Gamble who are behind the new tetanus initiative have pledged to give UNICEF the money for one tetanus vaccine for every pack of specially marked diapers the company it sells before the end of the year 2008.

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