Wednesday, February 25

Ash gets bolder in Pink Panther 2 to take on Brad Pitt!

Aishwarya rai has been in talks lately coz her latest hollywood fick - Pink Panther. The actress is seen sporting a hot and sensuous look as she is all set share space with Steve Martin. It is has been a while since but now all set to show her bolder side.

It has been said that Aish plays just cameo in the film, but the fact is not so. She does not play a blink and miss role in the film but is a criminology expert in the film and has quite a bit to do. She also actually plays a seductress in the film who deceives Steve using her beauty and charm.

Ash’s international film Pink Panther 2 hits Indian Screens on 27th of February. Pink Panther 2 will compete in India with the other Oscar winning film namely - The Curious case of Benjamin Button starring Brad Pitt which is also slated to release on the same day.

Well, its Ash v/s Brad Pitt this weekend! Interesting to see who proves Superior.

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