Wednesday, February 11

Deepika Padukone - Face of Mallya’s F1 Team

Industrialist Vijay Mallya, chairman of Force India Formula Team, has roped in actress Deepika Padukone to be the face of his team. Deepika unveiled MTV-Force India’s The Fast and the Gorgeous hunt for the ’speed divas’. Four ’speed divas’ will be chosen from 20 contestants.

Deepika said, if she could manage time from her busy schedule, she would love to be one of the team’s ’speed divas’ and travel around the world for the Formula One Grand Prix event 2009.

When asked what is common between badminton and car racing, she said: “Speed”. Deepika, She is a daughter of badminton champion Prakash Padukone and loves sports.

Force India Formula One Team’s maiden performance on the international race track last year was not up to the mark. But the team managed to be qualify to take part in Formula One Grand Prix. The Grand Prix event starts from Barcelona onwards could be the real test for all the teams.

Mallya, who took the initiative to put India on the international car racing track, said he will be a proud man when Force India Formula One Team will host the first Indian Grand Prix in 2011.

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