Wednesday, October 22

Russel Peters digs at Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

Aishwarya Rai may be used to getting accolades from everywhere and in every department but once in a while has to deal with a critic.

Russel Peters, a Canadian comedian of Indian origin has taken a potshot at the beautiful actress. Firstly he declared that he does not watch Hindi movies. as they have horrible stories and terrible acting. And, then came a shocker as Russel stated Aishwarya as an example of a bad actress.

Here it is, from the horses’ mouth, “Aishwarya Rai is the biggest example of bad acting. She has proved it time and again how it can do wonders. In Bollywood, people can become superstars just by having a pretty face.”
Here is wishing Russel Peters a safe sojourn in India as he is slated to perform in some Indian cities, later this month..

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