Friday, September 12

The Last Lear - Amitabh Bachchan performs his best

The film The Last Lear has travelled to some A-list film festivals across the world, where it has won rave reviews. Amitabh Bachchan's performance as Harry in the film has been unanimously praised by all and sundry. He has been showered with lavish praise like "his most nuanced performance" and "he offers a master class in acting". After ruling our hearts for decades, Amitabh Bachchan has stepped out to wow the world! Knowing the powerhouse of talent that he is, we are sure that these cannot be exaggerated compliments.

It is a proud moment for India as Indian films have begun getting recognized in the international world circuit. The excitement levels for The Last Lear have been high ever since the promos hit the theatres. Bachchan's long, flowing hair and rich, baritone voice has stood out amongst the other films. Preity has also been talking animatedly about her look in the film.

Knowing Amitabh Bachchan's illustrious filmography, there cannot be a bigger excitement for all his fans than the fact that this will be one of his best performances ever. The film releases today.

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