Friday, March 27

Preity Zinta shot with a real snake

Preity Zinta is most probably one of the boldest actress of Bollywood. Recently she shared screen space with a cobra for climatic sequence in Deepa Mehta's latest flick-Heaven On Earth. Mr Mehta was not really sure if Preity would be able top pull it off but to his surprise Preity did an excellent job.

Preity had nightmares before they shot this crucial sequence. But somehow Preity did the job. Recalling this dangerous experience, Preity says, "I had to put my hand into a hole in the ground, take out this big long snake and not just hold it but also put it around my neck. It was a harrowing in the script. I wondered how I'd manage on camera."

The film has episodes from Girish Karnad's play Naag Mandala where the battered wife imagines the naag devta transforming into a caring loving husband as an alternative life to her nightmarish reality.

Incidentally, not too many of our Bollywood queens have shot with real snakes.

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