Sunday, March 1

Aishwarya Rai displeased with Amitabh Bachchan

Everything was fine in the Bachchan family but there has been rumors that Aishwarya Rai is miffed with dear ‘Pa’ Amitabh Bachchan over her upcoming flick- Robot which has become quite a woe for the Bachchan Bahu.
Amitabh Bachchan-Aishwarya Rai
The reason for her displeasure is that it was Amitabh who had persuaded her for the movie but now the movie seems to have become a thing of trouble for Ash. The movie has been delayed too much and as a result Aishwarya is unable to look for new projects till she has to finish off with "Robot". There is also news of disagreements between Ash and Shankar on the last minute changes in the script, make-up and clothes.

All these occurrences have angered Aishwarya and have made her to think that she shouldn't have considered Big B’s obligation and instead made her own choice.

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