Thursday, September 25

Hashar slated for worldwide release

A Punjabi movie, 'Hashar', based on student politics in the state is slated for worldwide release Sep 26, the director of the film said.

The movie is an amalgamation of rural and urban Punjab. It is a story of a boy who comes from a village to the city for higher education. The film shows how he engages in student politics and how it impacts his personal life,' said Babbu Maan, Punjabi singer who is playing the lead character in the movie.

"The movie portrays both the positive and negative shades of student politics. It has a message for everyone, especially for the student fraternity," said Maan.

The film was shot in Chandigarh and Ludhiana.

"To gain first hand experience, I remained with student leaders of Panjab University for many days," Maan said.

"This is the movie for today's youth and I believe that every youngster will relate to this movie. The movie is based on university elections, so to give it an authentic feel we have done maximum shooting in the Panjab University campus in Chandigarh,"said Gaurav Trehan, director of the movie.

'We are also releasing this movie in the US and all the major counties of Europe Sep 26,' Trehan said.

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