Apparently, Vidya found herself an electric pen and very wittily, she replaced it with an ordinary pen kept next to the director’s monitor. Every time an unsuspecting soul lifted the pen to jot down shoot details, they would get an instant shock which would make Vidya and those aware of the pranks, burst into fits of laughter.
Talking about it, a giggling Vidya revealed, “It was absolutely hilarious. Though it was meant to be a prank, I never thought it would go so far since soon people would double-check. But interestingly, all I would do is replace the outer cover of the pen and in the middle of the shooting mayhem, no one would realise it till they’d get the shock. Trust me, every single day, my pen found five victims!”
Ask her if co-star Shahid was any inspiration for turning into a prankster and pat comes the reply, “He is way ahead of me when it comes to pranks. Shahid was actually armed with a farting bag on the sets and his favourite target was our trainer Abbas. Everytime he was about to sit, Shahid would place the bag beneath him and it would go puchack! All of us would start staring at him and the poor guy would be so embarrassed, he wouldn’t know where to look.” And if that wasn’t enough, Vidya would make him a laughing stock by adding, “Of course the smell never reaches its source!”
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