Saturday, May 24

Kareena Kapoor awarded the Cutest Vegetarian by PETA

Kareena Kapoor has been declared the cutest vegetarian that fans would love to emulate. The on-line poll was conducted by PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) and Bebo won hands down.

The actress bagged the highest number of votes giving other potential celebrities, who followed and advocated a vegetarian diet, far behind.
She has been receiving compliments by the dozen ever since she turned vegetarian and lost weight.

The Jab We Met actress is happy that she has inspired her fans to turn vegetarian. "If my fans are looking up to me and have turned vegetarian then I am happy about it. I am a pure vegetarian and it helps me keep fit and healthy. I am aware that my fans have liked my looks in Tashan and want to do something for themselves too. If they turn vegetarian for that then I am glad to be an example for them."

However, Kareena also clarified that, "I don't want people to come to conclusion that turning vegetarian means starving oneself to death. I have a healthy breakfast and have portions of food non stop through out the day. It is a healthy meal of varied vegetables and fruits. This meal keeps me fit I want those looking up to me for their fitness regimen to follow a healthy diet and not pay attention to stories that I survive on juices alone. That is not true! Also these rumors about me having acquired the size zero body mass is baseless. I am fit and healthy. My weight is just right for me. I would like to tell my fans that we are all individuals and body requirements vary from person to person. You should find the weight that is apt for you and keep fit. And yes follow a healthy vegetarian diet."

So here's to another feather in Kareena's cap...

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