Wednesday, August 12

Lady Gaga to do PETA ad campaign

Animal rights organisation PETA wants Lady Gaga to strip for their “Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur” campaign.

Lady Gaga, who is more famous for her outlandish and bizarre fashion choices, has been asked by the organisation to become the latest face of their anti-fur campaign.

If the 23-year-old singer agrees to be the part of the campaign, she will join the list of Hollywood beauties like Eva Mendes, Pamela Anderson and supermodel Christy Turlington.
Lady Gaga
PETA reportedly decided to approach the pop star after she turned up wearing a coat made from “The Muppet show” star Kermit the Frog soft toys on a US TV show.

The singer called her bizarre outfit a commentary against wearing fur.

"I really loved this one because I thought it was a commentary on not wearing fur, because I hate fur and I don’t wear fur," she had said.

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