Friday, May 9

Bipasha Basu at the launch of Alcome

Bipasha Basu was at the capital to launch the entry of the US-based perfume brand Alcome Perfumes & Cosmetics into the Indian markets.

Looking stunning she chose to speak to the press only about the brand, ignoring all other questions.

She said: 'It is an appropriate question. It is a wrong day to be discussing films. I would answer these questions some other time. I am here for Alcome today.'

Although she did not entertain any questions from the journalists present there, the actress, riding high on Race success, was quite friendly with the photographers.

About the brand, she said: ''Alcome' is a must buy. It is passionate and stylish. It has different fragrances for different moods. I like it and that's why I'm here”.

She played a perfect brand ambassador at the launch of the perfume brand.

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