Saturday, May 16

Bipasha Basu is the face of FA Men Xtreme

Bipasha Basu has unveiled the new FA Men Xtreme Deodorant of whicjh she is the new Brand Ambassador. "FA as a brand is synonymous with freshness and fragrances that are both sensuous and International. I am proud to be associated with FA Men's Deodorant," said Bipasha while endorsing the FA Men Xtreme.

One might be asking that why a woman becomes a Brand Ambassador for men deodorant when it is usually vice versa. Well it is believed that the ultimate need of man is to feel comfortable with the opposite sex and one factor that enables the comfort is to smell good.

Despite the ongoing downfall in economy, endorsement deals seem to be on a high for Bipashaand her beau John. Just last week John was endorsed for two products namely Garnier Men Beauty Products and Diet Pepsi. And now Bips has one. What say???

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