Saturday, May 10

Maliaka -Arbaaz Controversy taught them a Lesson

Much newsprint has been spent on the recent Arbaaz Khan-Malaika Arora Khan divorce fiasco, and the drama continues. At a press conference for Arbaaz's upcoming film, Woodstock Villa, the actor seemed visibly upset with the media for the ad's debacle. This is what he had to say:

There is no real story behind the whole thing. It was just a re-launch of a product by Ponds that Malaika and I were endorsing. The intension behind their marketing strategy was to tell people that their product is so good that it makes you to propose again to your spouse.

A certain segment of the media misinterpreted it and that led to the controversy. They thought I had split with Malaika and will be remarrying someone else. But it was just that I was renewing my vows with Malaika during the product launch.

It was highly irresponsible of those people to assume what they did and publish it. They should not publish anything without getting their facts right. If you are carrying front page news in a leading daily, it is only fair that you do your homework and find out the truth. When the reporters from the publication asked me about the issue, I asked them why they were so impatient. If there Malaika and I have problems, you will know in due course of time.

There is nothing wrong if I did not deny the news. That very evening, when the truth came out, they hit us where it hurts the most -- integrity and image. They called it a publicity stunt and a promotional gimmick. They called us cheats and media hounds. How dare they call us that? By this, who has been eventually affected? Malaika and I.

Ponds did what it wanted and the media did what it wanted. The ultimate sufferers are only us.

My son is only five years old and does not even know how to read to write. He does not know what happened.

But we have learnt a lot and will be very careful henceforth.

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