Tuesday, August 25

Lindsay Lohan’s house robbed

Lindsay Lohan’s home situated at Hollywood Hills has been recently robbed. The burglars fled with her designer gear, cash and jewelry. Lohan called her father in tears after returning home from a friend's party on finding her home wrecked.

Lohan's father Michael called the police and now he is heading to Los Angeles in an effort to help police find the people behind the burglary and attempted burglaries at the actress' home.

City police are investigating the break-in. This is the second time thieves have targeted the star’s home. Back in May, surveillance cameras caught burglars attempting to raid Lohan's home. They left empty handed.

Lohan’s mother Dina reported a safe being ripped out of the wall in the weekend burglary, and the door was off the hinges and door handles removed.

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