Tuesday, March 10

Freida Pinto on Cosmopolitan

After the grand success of Slumdog Millionaire, Freida Pinto is practically everywhere. Right from the silver screens world over, to the super exclusive red carpet to the Oscars to a high profile Hollywood film cast and back home, she is on the covers of every possible magazine. The latest one being fashion and lifestyle magazine- Cosmopolitan.
Freida Pinto-Cosmopolitan
By-now-hot-property Freida Pinto talks all about her life in this edition of Cosmopolitan, pre and post the cult film Slumdog Millionaire. She also talks about her take on the controversy surrounding the film.

In this issue of Cosmopolitan, Freida reveals about her would be boyfriend. She says that he has to be a blend of everything and that he needs to be hilarious but know when to draw the line. And he definitely should not be someone who has to try too hard as it becomes scary for this angel.

to know more about the insight views of the lady of the moment, it won’t be a bad idea to pick up a copy of the latest issue of Cosmopolitan.

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