Wednesday, May 20

Kareena Kapoor is the cover girl of Elle

Kareena Kapoor is one Diva who has been ruling the Bollywood for quite some time now. She has been in the news for practically every thing that she does, right from her choice of dresses to her love life, every aspect of her personality makes for a breezy front page read.
Kareena Kapoor
The latest is that she is the Cover Girl for this month's issue of Elle. Stunning and refreshingly candid, Kareena Kapoor looks cool as a cucumber on this mint fresh cover! Dressed in Dior, Kareena speaks about her life in detail. She says that she follows her heart when choosing projects and the one she's most excited about in 2009 is her release with beau Saif Ali Khan.

She credits her toned body to a disciplined yoga regime and a vegetarian diet. Not just that, she's also open about her relationship with Saif; talking about the things she's learnt from him - love for reading, for one - and how their bond has grown stronger despite their different worlds.

Over and all, Kareena has made this issue of Elle a collectors copy.

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