Tuesday, March 31

Brangelina plans to adopt an Indian Kid

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are planning to adopt a child from India. Angelina revealed her plans to adopt from India when she met the child stars of multiple Oscar winning film - Slumdog Millionaire.

The couple famous as ‘Brangelina’, first showed interest in adopting a kid from India when they visited the country’s Priya Darshini Orphanage in 2006 but were too busy to finalize the details.

The couple has already has three adopted children- Maddox from Cambodia, Pax from Vietnam and Zahara from Ethiopia. Apart from this they also have a 2-year-old biological daughter Shiloh and their seven-month-old twins Vivienne and Knox.

Angelina Jolie plans to have one more natural and one adopted baby. Angelina Jolie will adopt a baby when she completes the shooting of the movie- ‘Salt’.

Jolie now wants to cut down on work and focus more on the family. She also wants to make just one film a year.

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