Monday, November 3

International Dyslexia Association gives a standing ovation to Taare Zameen Par

It was the first time that Taare Zameen Par was really credited. In his blog, Aamir speaks about his special screening of TZP in Seattle for the IDA (International Dyslexia Association). This was one mega event which was attended by more than 200 members who were aware of Dyslexia.

Through this event, Aamir wanted to gauge the responses of the cinegoers from the foreign shores. The 'screening was in a conference room and not in a cinema hall. Much to the surprise of Aamir, the film got itself an absolutely thunderous standing ovation. Not just that, after the screening there were many tear-filled eyes in the audiences.

The ironical moment of the evening was the eagerness of the audience to know when the film would release in the US. And when informed that the film has already seen a US release, they all insisted that the film be re-released in theatres, this time for the mainstream American audiences.

One of the important points that came out of the Q&A session was the request from the audience to dub the film in English when re-released in US, as they wanted their children to see the film. Aamir has taken keen interest into this matter with an assurance that 'at the very least, the DVD release in US can incorporate an English dubbed version.

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