Friday, May 8

Aamir Khan finds nine-yr-old Parul for his next venture

After Darsheel Safari it is now the nine-year-old Parul who will soon be taken under the wings of Bollywood’s perfectionist- Aamir Khan.

Aamir has chosen Parul for his upcoming home production ‘The Falling,’ which will be directed by Anushka Rizvi. Parul belongs to Muzzafarpur, which is a small town in Bihar. He got the role after Aamir watched one of her stage performances.

‘The Falling’ is based on the grim issue of farmer’s suicide where Parul will portray the role of a farmer’s daughter. Aamir was impressed with Parul’s acting skills in the play. Last year, during a trip to Delhi, he watched her in one of her plays and was highly impressed. Parul has worked under the guidance of acclaimed theatre stalwart Habib Tanwar.

Parul is a talented actor who has won critical acclaim and is well travelled to Germany and many other European nations as a part of her theatre troupe. Parul has a lengthy role in the movie and Aamir is thrilled that he found a talent like her for the film.

It seems Parul is the new Darsheel in the making.

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