Tuesday, October 21

Deepika Padukone on the cover of Grazia

The latest issue of Grazia features Deepika Padukone on the cover and not just on the cover the magazine covers her exclusively in the inside pages too.

If looking a thousand bucks means looking beautiful, then, the snaps of Deepika in this issue simply makes her priceless. Maybe, that's why she is justified to the core when she declares that "I charge what I think I am worth and if people are willing to pay me that much, it must mean that they think that I'm worth it too. No one affords risks like investing in actors they don't really believe in." Deepika is one girl, who can glorifyingly justify the term 'Hot Property' with her elegance and persona to match.

It could be noted that Prakash Padukone, besides being an ace badminton player and also Deepika's proud father, is also the reason as to why she is so much grounded even though at the peak of her career! In her own admission, she says "My father's always told me that fame is temporary and it's not important to dwell on it too much."

"Words of wisdom Deepika.. truly!!!"

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