Wednesday, October 8

The case of Missing Smooch beetween Sanjay and Vidya.

Sanjay Gadhvi's Kidnap, featured a hot kiss between Sanjay Dutt and Vidya Malvade. People who saw the preview of the film held that it was a fairly long kiss, But the kiss was edited out in the final version of the film.

After the hot skin show in the film via Minissha Lamba and her miniscule wardrobe One expects Gadhvi would have persisted with the kiss. According to the man himself, the scene was cut from the film, a day before its release as it was not felt to be out of place.It is believed that the kiss was edited out of the film on Maanyata Dutt's request. She is believed to have objected to kissing scene between Sanju and Vidya.

Apparently, everybody who saw the film's preview shows were of the opinion that it did not make any sense and should be chopped off. Thus it came about that the three minute scene was cut from the movie. However, the DVD version of the movie will feature the kiss.

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