Saturday, September 20

Minisha Lucky to be Alive

Minissha Lamba's much talked about KIDNAP saw the actress push frontiers as far as her previous box–office outings are concerned. And we aren't just talking about her new bikini–licious body!

Everyone knows that Minissha has quite an adventurous streak in her and is quite a water baby. The schedule of KIDNAP in Mauritius involved scenes where she was required to take a dip in the sea. During one such shot, so engrossed was Minissha in her mid–sea swim that she did not realize that the currents had pushed her far from where she was supposed to be.

The film's cameraman was the first to realize that she was nowhere in the frame! The crew panicked as the underwater currents had pushed her about 2 kilometers away from the coastline while Minissha was blissfully unaware of the situation. It took the crew ten minutes to finally spot the petite actress, much to everyone's relief. A speedboat was sent to retrieve her immediately!

Director Sanjay Gadhvi confirmed the news. ''It was scary to say the least but all's well that ends well!'' he remarked.

KIDNAP is this year's grand Id attraction, being relased worldwide by Indian Films – Studio 18 on Wednesday October 1st. It is Sanjay Dutt's first release of 2008 and new–age heartthrob Imran Khan's first release after his maiden smash hit, JAANE TU YA JAANE NA.

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