Tuesday, October 14

"I can relate a lot to my character in Fashion"-Mugdha Godse

Former Miss India and model Mugdha says "As a model, I can relate a lot to my character in Fashion. The film is very close to reality, but with a mix of fiction. It very well captures the emotions of everyone involved in the fashion fraternity - from a model to a designer,”

Mughda plays Janet Sequeira, one of three leads in the film alongside Priyanka Chopra and Kangana Ranaut.Throwing light on her character, she said: “I play a very vibrant, outgoing, bold and outspoken girl whose life takes a turn when something happens to her. She has struggled a lot and has become very strong. My character is intertwined with that of the other characters in the film and it is an emotional journey for all of them.”

Though “Fashion” has garnered much media attention even before its release, Mugdha reveals that the fashion fraternity is quite skeptical about their portrayal in the film. Not even one-film old, Mugdha Godse is already inundated with offers and has signed a three-film deal with a production house.

On being asked if she were bidding adieu to her modeling career, she asserted: “I won’t quit modeling, but I’ll concentrate more on acting career as of now.”

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