Sunday, June 7

Adhyayan–Kangana Ranaut love story ends

After about a year of being in a love relationship, newcomer Adhyayan Suman and hottie Kangana Ranaut have broken up. And surprisingly, it was Adhyayan, who called it off. Kangana met Adhyayan for a dinner recently, and was initially shocked by his decision. But finally the couple agreed to end their relationship mutually.

The cause of the relation is expected to be the hectic shooting schedules, which have been keeping them very busy of late causing the relationship to head nowhere. It is also being believed, that Adhyayan’s father Shekhar Suman has never liked Kangana which could be another reason for the split.

Confirming the split, Adhyayan said, “Yes, we`ve moved on from this relationship. I guess this was how long it was meant to last. At this point, I really want to focus on my career and professional commitments. Sustaining a long-distance relationship of this intensity is a tough task.”

Expressing her feelings on the break up, Kangana said, “Adhyayan and I had a talk about our relationship and it was his decision to move on. It came as a shock to me. But I guess he has other priorities now, and many options in terms of people to be with. It`s an amicable break-up and I wish him the best.”

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