Monday, September 29

Ghajini to be Re-Shot

The hard-to-please superstar of Bollywood is reportedly unhappy with the way his upcoming film Ghajini has shaped up.Aamir Khan is at it again. The movie for which he all but shaved his head has not met his expectations. ‘Ghajini’, directed by A Murugadoss, is complete and the director reportedly held a special screening of the film recently for Aamir.

After watching the movie Aamir wasn’t very thrilled. His scrutinizing eyes singled out scenes which he believed needed to be re-shot. Respecting Aamir’s judgment, Murugadoss has reportedly decided to re-shoot some scenes.The only problem is that Aamir is presently shooting Raju Hirani’s film 3 Idiots in which he has a different hairstyle than that of ‘Ghajini’. So Aamir won’t be able to reshoot for ‘Ghajini’ until he wraps up ‘3 Idiots’, which means at least a month.

Aamir is a star whose opinion is respected by peers in the industry. Recently, directorSanjay Gadhvi showed Aamir his movie Kidnap to get his opinion. Aamir gave thumbs-up to the film.Though some industrywalas think Aamir crosses his line at times and interferes in a director’s work, most of the people who work with him. And after showing his prowess behind the camera in Taare Zameen Par , Aamir has only gained more respect in tinsel town.

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