Sunday, August 31

Unforgettable Tour becomes forgettable

Despite the hype surrounding the Bachchans’ Unforgettable tour for two months, the first segment of the tour has been called off abruptly. After the London leg of the show, the performances scheduled in Rotterdam and Oberhausen have been cancelled at the last minute, as the promoters of the show were not too keen on them.

Fans who had purchased tickets in Rotterdam and Oberhausen, were very disappointed as the tour was called off at the last minute but nothing could be done about it. The local promoters defaulted at the last minute making it impossible for us to continue with the shows.”

However, different version was also heard. It was said that the tour has been called off due to the lack of response from the audience. However, one of the main reasons for calling off the tour is mediocre ticket sales.

The tickets are very expensive and ‘the meet and greet with the stars’ comes at an additional price. Also, as compared to the Unforgettable tour, the tickets of SRK’s Temptations shows were much cheaper. Considering another Temptations tour being in the offing in Europe including Germany, Bollywood fans were in no mood to buy expensive tickets for the Unforgettable tour.”

Amitabh Bachchan said , “The promoters of the show have defaulted on the contract… I’m not authorised to give a comment on this. And ticket price is not an issue. All our other nine shows in Canada, Trinidad and in entire USA and London were sold out.’

Meanwhile, music composer Shekhar, who is part of the tour, has a different take. He said, “Considering the fact that we are planning to have our segment of the show in Europe, we had an afterthought about doing the shows now in Rotterdam and Oberhausen. We have now scheduled shows in the said European cities for our second segment in Europe.”

Now, that’s a lot of reasons for the cancellation of the shows.

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