Wednesday, August 13

Shiney follows Aamir

Hijack hero Shiney Ahuja has been spotted at a few parties hobnobbing with the Bollywood brigade. Now this is very unlike Shiney Ahuja. The actor who has acquired an image of being reserved and distant is suddenly making his presence felt. “It’s a conscious move,” admits Ahuja.

Apparently, Shiney has realized the importance of having PR and good will in the industry. “You know it first struck me when I saw Aamir Khan appearing on various chat shows and game shows. The man who is known for staying away from the media was suddenly everywhere. That really hit me.”

“I realized that the trend was changing and the otherwise reclusive actors were now coming out in the open and interacting with the lay man and their fans through media. Aamir started this and I’m following suit,” says Shiney.

Now we know what makes the serious actor sport a big smile and a friendlier attitude whenever in public.

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