Wednesday, June 11

Aish has a Busy Schedule ahead-Thanks To Delays

Plans are afoot to bring Aishwarya Rai and Meryl Streep together in an American production of 'Chaos', Colin Serreau's 2002 French movie.
Ash is slated to play a sex worker in the film.
Another international project Aishwarya has agreed to is Roland Joffe's 'Singularity' with Brendan Fraser.
Ash had asked for the final draft of the script. 'Now the time factor had to be worked out. The time they want was devoted to Mani (Ratnam) . New dates have to be worked out. There're so many projects that she wanted to do but because of the dates or a delay she can't.
In the meanwhile, Aishwarya gets ready to shoot for Shankar's 'Robot' and Mani Ratnam's film with Abhishek.
There has been a little delay in Shankar's 'Robot' also because of his writer Sujata 's death.

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