Tuesday, May 13

Manish Acharya to make songless comic thriller

The Loins Of Punjab Presents created a worldwide stir and is now looking at Mumbai for creative sustenance. Manish Acharya’s next film in Hindi is a comic thriller which is set in Mumbai and Tokyo.

"Loins Of Punjab Presents- went further than I expected. Now it's time to return home. I'm making my next film out of Mumbai. And it's a comic thriller set in two cities. The language this time would be purely Hindi", says Acharya.

"But to me the greatest excitement is not having songs in the film. After forty songs in my last film that's quite a break. My comic thriller may have music and songs in the background like Johnny Gaddaar. But the characters aren't going to stop in their tracks to sing songs."

And guess who Manish wants to play the lead in his comic thriller? He is looking towards one of the A-lister Khans.

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Manish Acharya
    The Loins Of Punjab Presents

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