Tuesday, May 13

Madhavan signs 4-film deal with Adlabs

Adlabs has recently finished shooting of 13B starring Madhavan and Neetu Chandra and is in the process of signing Madhavan for four more films.

Commenting on their decision to sign Madhavan for their forthcoming films, Saurabh Varma, Chief marketing Officer, Adlabs says, “We are impressed with Madhavan's performance and marketing skills in 13B and therefore decided to take this relationship further”.

He further added, “When you sign a marketing expert who is also the hero of the film, we are shaping up the best talent. He makes an amazing contribution to the team and brings huge energy to the table- right from how one can exploit the film through various means and methods”.

Starring Madhavan and Neetu Chandra, 13B is a supernatural thriller and is slated to be released on September 2008.

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