Saturday, October 3

Thanuja Ananthan crowned Miss World Malaysia 2009

Thanuja Ananthan - Miss World Malaysia 2009A law student of Indian origin, Thanuja Ananthan has been crowned the Miss World Malaysia 2009 title.

The 23-year-old faced disappointment at last year’s pageant but returned determined for a second chance.

Although she was only a finalist in Miss World Malaysia last year, she persevered and returned to win the Miss World Malaysia 2009 crown.

“I came back because I believed that I still had that little bit more to give,” said Thanuja.

The 23-year-old said she was very nervous before the winner was announced as she felt that she had not given her best shot in the question and answer session.

The beauty was further quizzed about her reaction if she was to land in a scandal after winning the competition.

“Scandals are disgraceful gossips and I do not condone them. There never was and never will be any about me because I stick to my principles and will not compromise in anything that is against something I strongly believe in,” she answered calmly.

The first runner up was Stefanie Chua, while Christy Yeoh was the second runner up.

Thanuja will be in London to participate in various Miss World activities next month before the big day in Johannesberg, South Africa on Dec 12.

The proceeds from this year’s pageant will go to the StART Society that provides underprivileged children with the opportunity to develop their potential in arts.

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