Friday, October 2

Solange Knowles used to spend $50K yearly on hair

Solange KnowlesSinger Solange Knowles has revealed that she used to spend 50,000 dollars on her hair yearly, before she decided to stop and cut it all off.

Knowles, 23, revealed about her salon addiction when she made an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show.

“Realistically I was spending about 40,000 dollars to 50,000 dollars a year and probably half of my life, I grew up in a hair salon, my mum owned a hair salon,” said the singer.

“There was always this feeling of always wanting to be in the salon once or twice a week and I got a perm pretty early - I was four,” she said.

When she chopped off her locks earlier this year, she wrote on her Twitter page the reason for it.
“I just wanted to be free of the bondage that black women sometimes put themselves in with their hair,” she explained.

“This phase in my life I want to spend the time the energy and the money on something else and not in the hair salon,” she added.

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