Tuesday, September 8

Priyanka Chopra becomes Brand Ambassador for Levis

Priyanka Chopra becomes Brand Ambassador for Levis The fate of every actor in bollywood changes with every passing Friday. The same is the case with Priyanka Chopra, who after having a shaky start, has now become the eternal reigning Queen of Bollywood.

With Fashion and Dostana as the latest additions in her kitty, Priyanka has never had it so good. She, in no time, became the 'Face' of a million products. The latest addition in her kitty is the international denim brand Levis, which has allegedly signed Priyanka for an astronomical amount! If that wasn't enough, the sources also added that the company has even roped in the ace fashion designer Tarun Tahiliani, who will be on board for a special edition of the denims called 'Diva'.

Other bollywood actors who have also been signed by Levis for this endorsement are Akshay Kumar, Shahid Kapoor, Kangqana Ranaut and Deepika Padukone.

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