Wednesday, September 16

Jennifer Aniston used to clean toilets

Jennifer AnistonJennifer Aniston might be making millions as a Hollywood actress today, but the actress used to clean toilets for a living at one point of time.

In a recent interview to Parade magazine, the ‘Friends’ star, who earned 25 million dollars in 2008, revealed that she "grew up with absolutely no money at all.”

"I made my allowance as a kid cleaning toilets. I’m actually pretty good at it," said Aniston.

"I struggled for a while, but I was happy with my life whether I was making this amount of money, or that amount of money," she says. "I always enjoyed where I was working,” she added.
Other than cleaning, Aniston held a host of other jobs while waiting for her big break on ‘Friends’.

"I loved being a waitress. OK, I didn’t like time-share selling, I hated that job. But people used to say to me, “You need to focus on having ambition. And I guess sort of following that advice allowed a lot to come to me", she said.

the 40 year old actress, who was most recently linked to her ‘The Bounty’ co-star Gerard Butler, said that she’s still the same person today as when she was scrubbing bathrooms.

"There’s just been a great ease with that evolvement in my life to being an actress. I didn’t change that much, but my bank account changed," she said jokingly.

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