Sunday, August 30

Keira Knightley competes with Scarlett Johansson

Keira Knightley was forced to compete with Scarlett Johansson for the role of Eliza Doolittle in a remake of ‘My Fair Lady’. Knightley was lined up for the part of the Cockney flower seller, played by Audrey Hepburn in the 1964 film by Sir Cameron Mackintosh.

The ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ star confirmed last year that she had auditioned and begun singing lessons. However, she has since been told that she has an American rival for the part.

“I have two actresses as potential Elizas, one British, the other American. You’d know their names, but I’m not letting on," said Sir Cameron said

Emma Thompson is writing the script for the film, which Stephen Daldry is expected to direct. Daniel Craig may be Professor Henry Higgins.

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