Monday, July 27

Kylie Minogue fights Andres Velencoso

Fresh touble has come in the way of Hollywood actress Kylie Minogue’s relationship with her beau Andres Velencoso as the couple had a fight over the singer’s new aftershave.

Minogue had signed her Spanish lover Velencoso as the face of the aftershave, Kylie Inverse, but things have started taking a wrong turn as the couple have been squabbling over the joint venture.

Kylie seems to be very demanding, she is now Andres’s boss and it hasn’t gone down well woell for their relation. Minogue has been with Velencoso since January but her perfectionist nature is making things difficult for the model.

They’ve had a string of arguments over Kylie being such a perfectionist. Andres it seems can’t wait until the campaign is out in September, when he’ll be free of working for her.

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