Tuesday, June 9

Sonam Kapoor voted the "Gen Next" Star

Birthday has brought a pleasant gift for the bollywood beauty Sonam Kapoor as she is been voted as the "Gen Next" Star. The stunner, who has been embroiled in an ugly war-of-words with Aishwarya Rai over ‘generation issue’ seems to have impressed a renowned Hollywood trade magazine shortlisted the actress as its "Gen Next" star.

Well, if Ash belongs to the past generation, Sonam seems to represent the upcoming generation. This fact is been supported by the fact that the actress has become the only Indian talent acknowledged by a western trade platform.

“Selective young talents are being featured here. I attribute this little achievement to the India Shining movement, which the world is so high on now. It’s very encouraging for youngsters like me and a great platform for any actor,” said Sonam.

While the country is going gaga over this classic beauty, Sonam’s Gen Next idol is Natalie Portman. Well, looks like Sonam’s special day just became all the more significant.

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