Friday, June 5

Megan Fox cried while kissing

Megan FoxModel-turned-actress Megan Fox almost cried when food from an actor’s mouth passed into hers during a kissing scene.

The 23-year-old actress hates locking lips with co-stars and is especially scorching about one man who didn’t brush his teeth before filming their love scene.

"Oh my God! Screen kissing is gross. It’s a super intimate thing to do. Touching mouths? I have to really enjoy someone’s personality, not just their looks, before I’ll kiss them”.

The young star was voted the “Sexiest Woman in the World” by FHM magazine in 2008, and is delighted that men find her attractive.

"I think it’s wonderful I’m viewed as a sex symbol. I didn’t decide I’m going to be an actress because I want to be respected for how I play chess. Part of Hollywood is being perceived as attractive," she said.

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