Saturday, June 6

Lindsay Lohan wants her Ex-Beau Samantha Ronson back

Lindsay Lohan is trying hard to reconcile with ex-partner Samantha Ronson. After flying to London to meet Ronson, now Lohan is following the celebrity DJ all over town.

The actress was also spotted visiting the celeb’s Bungalow where Ronson was partying with her brother Mark Ronson and his supermodel girlfriend, Josephine de La Baume.But much to Lohan`s dismay, the Ronsons left the place soon after Lohan`s entry.

She had earlier checked into a hotel close to where Ronson was staying and also believed to have arranged photo shoots and club appearances in the British capital to coincide with Ronson`s visit in an attempt to get back together with Ronson.

Seems, Lohan is really desperate to get Ronson back in her life!

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