Saturday, June 27

King of Pop -Michael Jackson dies at 50

It was a sad day for music lovers as Michael Jackson died on Thursday. He was 50.

A true music genius, Jackson died at UCLA Medical Center after being stricken at his rented home in Holmby Hills. Paramedics tried to resuscitate him at his home for nearly three-quarters of an hour, and then rushed him to the hospital, where doctors continued to work on him but couldn’t save him.

It is believed he suffered cardiac arrest in his home. Cardiac arrest is an abnormal heart rhythm that stops the heart from pumping blood to the body. It can occur after a heart attack or be caused by other heart problems.

Billboard magazine editorial director Bill Werde said “Jackson`s star power was unmatched. The world just lost the biggest pop star in history, no matter how you cut it. He is literally the king of pop."

"It seemed to me that his internal essence was at war with the norms of the world. It`s as if he was trying to defy gravity, The star appeared fragile at the time but was "much more cunning and shrewd about the industry than anyone knew." said Michael Levine.

Jackson’s death brought a tragic end to an era. He was the king of pops who shattered the race barrier on MTV, dominated the charts and dazzled even more on stage.

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