Tuesday, May 5

Shahid turns losses cool over Priyanka-Gerard relation

Shahid Kapur’s love-life seems to be in a mess.First he was dumped by the hot Kareena and the actor is finding it tough to keep up his relation with Priyanka Chopra who is showing much interest for Hollywood macho Gerard Butler. Struggling for Piggy’s attention at a bash thrown in the honour of Gerard, Shahid lost his cool as his lady blushed at the flirtatious advances made by Gerard.

Shahid and Priyanka have both denied all rumours of a reported love affair, but a recent fight between the two has once again demonstrated that they might be more than just good friends. Though Shahid and Priyanka maintained a sober chemistry at the bash thrown for Gerard, the real fireworks happened after the party.

Post party the couple had a spat courtesy Gerard’s overtly friendly acts, following which the couple did not show up at Shah Rukh’s Bash for Butler. Shahid not only showed his anger for the Gerard episode but also peeved with Priyanka for being in talking terms with Hurman.

But if Shahid believes that Priyanka is going to take his temper, he may be mistaken as Piggy has confessed to near and dear ones that Shahid doesn’t feel her type now.

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