Monday, May 4

Rihanna dumps beau Chris Brown for Negus Sealy

RihannaRihanna has moved over her former beau Chris Brown and is now in the arms of Negus Sealy.

The R&B lady had fallen back in love with 24-year-old Sealy, who has been lending his shoulder to the singer after she suffered a beating at the hands of Brown.

Rihanna and Negus had both realized there was still a strong sexual attraction between them and became inseparable. Whenever Rihanna went to the beach or out partying, Negus was always there.

After getting back with Negus, Rihanna revealed to her family and friends that she was done with Brown and that he is surely history.

Meanwhile, Brown, who allegedly punched, choked, and bit Rihanna before the Grammy’s, has pleaded not guilty to two felony counts in a Los Angeles court last month.

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