Monday, May 11

Katy Perry designs slogan for Fashion against AIDS

Singer Katy Perry has joined the league of artists like N.E.R.D and Esteele and has designed a slogan for the 'Fashion against AIDs' campaign. The actress can be seen posing for the campaign in a body suit, featuring a smiley face in heart designed by her.

The bodysuit features an abstract pastel print of human insides - heart, kidneys and all in the front side and reads “It’s what`s on the outside that counts” on the back.

Katy hopes that the irony of her slogan will help people to think about the ideals that Fashion Against AIDS intends to promote, which are self-awareness, self-respect and, of course, safe sex. Katy declared her line "is about the heart, and about helping and educating people about the fight against AIDS."

The line designed by celebrities will be sold in the High Street firm`s Divided departments to help raise HIV/AIDS awareness.

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