Price has agreed to her estranged husband’s demands for a quickie split but she plans to fight to hang on to the bulk of her 40-million-pound fortune.
The model secretly met lawyers this week and reluctantly agreed to go along with Peter’s high-speed divorce plan.
"This has been a landmark couple of days for Katie. It’s sad, but she’s given up the fight,” a news daily quoted a source as saying.
"She now accepts she’s never getting Peter back and is ready to move on with her life. It hasn’t been easy but she knows it’s necessary to enable her to eventually get on with things," she added.
A top divorce lawyer Jane McDonagh said, "It could be done in as soon as a month but more likely six weeks.
"In cases like this the judge will usually agree that it can be over and done with so they can avoid too much public attention. They wouldn’t have to go to court themselves, their lawyers could do it all on their behalf," the lawyer added.
Peter’s pal added, "This is all necessary for them to close the chapter quickly and look ahead in their lives. It’s promising that it now looks like Katie is starting to realise that too."
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