Thursday, March 19

OK has Jade Goddy on its cover page

The latest issue of British magazine-OK features Jade Goody tribute cover page, while the terminally ill reality TV star continues to fight her battle with cancer. The front cover of the celebrity magazine expressed "In Loving Memory" and "Jade Goody 1981-2009" so the latest issue will not end up looking out of date.

The 27-year-old’s rapidly worsening condition means that goddy has just few hours to live before cervical cancer ends her days. The mother of two was granted her last wish after doctors allowed her to go to her Essex home so that she could spend her final days with her beloved kids.

Her sons - Bobby who is 5 years old , and Freddie who is 4 recently brought flowers for their cancer-stricken mom to celebrate an early Mother’s Day. Her jailbird hubby Jack Tweed and mom Jackie have been by her side as she slips in and out of consciousness.

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