Monday, March 16

Mel Gibson caught kissing aother woman

Mel Gibson Hollywood star Mel Gibson has landed in trouble again, after being criticised for his drunken behaviour and anti-semitic remarks. This time the actor will be at the receiving end of his wife’s anger as he was photographed kissing a mystery woman near his estate home in Costa Rica.

The 53-year-old Gibson was pictured embracing a stunning bikini-clad woman in the surf near his estate home in Costa Rica, and it was definitely not his wife, 52-year-old Robyn Moore.

The young woman in question is still un-identified but reports suggest that it might be a Russian musician known as Oksana, who Gibson had grown close to while filming his new movie Edge of Darkness in Boston.

Earlier, the Australian actor had been forced to issue denials of anti-Semitism when his film, The Passion Of The Christ was widely condemned for portraying Jews as the villains.

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1 comment:

  1. i keep reading this woman Oksana is "beautiful" and "stunning". Not seeing it.
