Monday, March 2

Kolkata Fashion Week- M S Dhoni to be the Brand Ambassador

M S DhoniThe first ever four day fashion fiesta to be held in Kolkata is all set to kick off on April 2. The fashion week will celebrate India’s ethnic roots even as they transform to being more chic, stylish, modern and fashionable. Top models of the country will be sashaying down the ramp for renowned designers like Bibi Russell, Narendra Kumar, Mona Pali, Zubair Kirmani, Manoviraj Khosla, Sharbari Dutta, Abhishek Dutta, Anjana Bhargav, Marg and Dev R Nil.

Indian Cricket Captain, Mahendra Singh Dhoni has been selected as the event’s Brand Ambassador. Dhoni is elated to be part of the extravaganza. He said, “I am really happy to get associated with the KFW. It is a new, brave and a great initiative undertaken by the organizers Mindscapes Maestros. I hope it will be a long term success. And I also hope that my association will benefit the event to a large extent”.

Famous designer Manoviraj Khosla said, “I am indeed excited to participate in Kolkata Fashion Week. For the first time a fashion event of a huge magnitude is happening in the City Of Joy and I just had to participate. I have full faith in Mindscapes Maestros organizing the Kolkata Fashion Week and am sure that they will make this event a thumping success.”

The magic of the designers with local weaves will be showcased over 5 sections each day. Bibi Russell’s 2009 collection will be unveiled for the first time at Kolkata Fashion Week.

Kolkata Fashion Week will take place at PC Chandra Greens, EM Bypass, from April 2 to 5.

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