Thursday, March 5

Danny Boyle to direct next James Bond flick

Danny BoyleThe hottest director this year, who grabbed almost all the Best Director Awards at International arena, has been approached to direct the James Bond flick. I am talking about Slumdog Millionaire director Danny Boyle who has been approached to direct the next James Bond movie.

Bond producer Barbara Broccoli, who now heads the huge 007 franchise is leading the chase for Boyle's services.

According to a source, “Danny Boyle is the man of the moment and he is being bombarded with offers from studios. He has been offered the chance to direct the 23rd Bond film by Barbara Broccoli”.

Danny Boyle is said to be a hot property in Hollywood after his Mumbai-set film became an Oscar sensation with eight wins. "The production team love his vision and thinks it would work perfectly for Bond's new look. Everyone thinks Danny would be a fantastic addition to the Bond family," the source added.

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