Saturday, February 14

Shah Rukh Khan too old for Pepsi Youngistaan

Shah Rukh Khan has been dropped out of Pepsi’s Youngistaan advertisement campaign. The move has come as Pepsi attempts to target the youth and Shah Rukh is considered an old face. Shah Rukh Khan-Pepsi Youngistaan
Pepsi’s Youngistaan ad campaign, featured Deepika Padukone, Ranbir Kapoor and Shah Rukh Khan, which was a huge sucess. But now the brand is roping in new faces to promote the campaign.

Shah Rukh confirmed that his contract with the company is not being renewed. "I am not a part of the campaign anymore, as of now we are not renewing the contract.”

However, it remains to be seen, who loses more with this move – Shah Rukh or Pepsi?

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